English Final Exam This semester was difficult for me and my school work suffered. My priorities were forced to shift and I did not focus enough on school. However, I do believe I presented projects that I put a lot of effort into. Mainly, I am very proud of my fourth project. The posters […]
Final Exam
•My final exam memo can be located here: Final Memo
Remix a Story
•Here is the link to my Remix a Story final project, hosted by issuu! I had a great time finishing up this project. To zoom in just double click! This […]
Favorite Project
•My favorite project I had to do for this course was just creating the blog. For me, I enjoy doing creative projects in general, but when the skills I’m learning along the way are practical and can be applied to my everyday life, it gives me more motivation while I’m working. I’ve always wondered what […]
Project 4: Remix
•My remixed story can be located here: http://prezi.com/tltscg662cw-/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy My in-class presentation about the project can be located here: https://docs.google.com/a/vt.edu/presentation/d/1VRhDaO7J-gZVRCZSpchuzfus64hV7mJ8uKQ_LVTv76Q/edit?usp=sharing
Editing Script and Finishing Cartoon
•While going through and creating the cartoon, it gave me more time to edit what I had as far as the script went because I could edit as I go. I liked this way of doing it because I changed around a lot of things after seeing what the scenery was going to look like. […]