Category: Blog Posts

March 23

What I Heard In Peer Review Mia told me that she liked the way the website is set up as far as navigation (my website that is) The screenshots were good representations of what I was saying She liked the fact that I used a little amount of text but was still able to clearly […]

March 18

What I Did Today I wrote my posts for the “overview” and “rhetorical analysis” pages on my project. I tried to insert as many screenshots as I could while also making them relevant in the rights areas. Why I Did It I used a lot of screenshots to add to the visual component of the […]

sign-ups and web essay writing

What I did? Today, I signed up for my presentation slot, at 10:55 on Monday. I then continued working on my web essay, and taking important screen shots as I scrolled through the site. Why I did it? I realized that if I put the presentation off to the last day, I would procrastinate and […]

March 16

What I Did Today I went to my wordpress site and created a new menu for this project. I added all subpages needed to split up my project and make it easily navigational. These pages included: Blog posts, overview, rhetorical situation, design, affordances, constraints, and conclusion in that order. I also went through the Meograph […]

drafting the web essay

What I did? Today I began drafting the web essay, by collaborating the analysis questions. I wrote the essay on a Microsoft word document, in paragraph form and then will transfer it onto my wordpress site, after I figure out what sort of navigational techniques I will use. Why I did it? I realized I […]

3/16 TimeGlider Progress

What I did… Today I had to work on the Writer/Designer Analysis Questions for Project 3 Interrogate an Interface. In my original schedule I had hoped to complete these questions on 3/6, so that I could begin drafting my essay today. Although Spring Break was a great week off, I know now its time to get back into the […]

3/6 TimeGlider Progress

What I did… This week I have been working to create my own TimeGlider timeline using materials from a past class, that I would have used in order to prepare for an exam. I have also began to work on my initial list of affordances and constraints based off my own experience using the interface. […]

Spring Break online workshop

What I did? Over Spring Break, I browsed through the tool, created a log-in and designed a few of my own images as examples, in order to understand the tool as a whole. I screen shotted many of my actions, in order to use those in my future presentation. After I played around for a […]

3/4 Schedule for Interrogate the Interface

3/4 Create a login for Timeglider 3/6 Create my own Timeglider timeline and begin to work on Writer/Designer Analysis Questions Create an initial list of affordances and constraints for the interface Write a blog post that shares my progress 3/16 Use information gathered to start organizing an initial draft of the project Collect screen shots from […]