Category: Blog Posts

2/18 Jazzing up “About me”

What I did… I decided to add a few more pages to this site that will give the reader a better insight to who I am. I decided to include 3 things that I identify with, or that are significant things in my life. Why I did it…   First, I decided to highlight some […]

Wednesday’s Update

What I did? Today, I added a gallery of photos, each with different captions to explain its significance. I also added my resumé to the bottom of my “About ME” page. I cleaned up the projects page so that they’re all under one tab. Why I did it? I realized that photos are an important part […]

february 16, peer review

What I was told: I was unable to make it to class on the 16th but asked Molly to review my website anyway. She explained that I still needed to add the “site information” page, and some more photos throughout the site. She agreed with the widgets that I had added and told me my […]

2/16 Adding personality

What I did… A feature that I like in Radcliffe is that you can add a background header image for blog posts. I decided to do one for each of my blog posts and utilize the full capabilities of the theme (especially since I had so much trouble with Goran.) Why I did it… Visual […]

what’s in my backpack?

1. Me, Myself & Why: Searching for the Science of Self [book] V,L, S  2. Writer/Designer [textbook] V, L, S 3. Assignment Pad, open to February 11th [agenda] V, L. S 4. Breath Mints [labeled container] V, L, S, A,  5. Undergraduate Research Notes [notepad] V,L, S 6. Design on T-Shirt [shirt] V, L, S 7. Cards in Wallet […]

making progress

What I did? Yesterday, I played around with multiple images, cropping and moving them to fit into the background of the site. I also switched the color scheme, but may try to switch this again. Why I did it? I want the photo in the background to explain who I am as a person, fun […]

Starting the Adventure

What I did? Today, I created the website domain and tagline.I visited the page of themes, and tried a few out until I decided on one. I wrote down the names for a few other choices in case the one I picked, didn’t work out in the end. I also customized the colors for the […]